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The Soul's Landscape - Cover and Illustrations

Cover design and illustrations for the story "The Soul's Landscape," which I co-wrote with @tete.depunk (on Instagram). Read it here for free:



Tete.Depunk's character, Kai Haldersen

Tete.Depunk's character, Kai Haldersen

My character, Joel Farber (as an old, embittered man)

My character, Joel Farber (as an old, embittered man)

Oyster symbolizing Joel's self-denial and isolation from the rest of the world

Oyster symbolizing Joel's self-denial and isolation from the rest of the world

Pearl from the oyster

Pearl from the oyster

Final illustration in the novel, showing my character Malka Spitzer waiting for Joel

Final illustration in the novel, showing my character Malka Spitzer waiting for Joel